Patrick Hamrick
Family Patriarch
June 25, 1753
Truelove a Negro Girl belonging to Joseph Hamrick is adjudged to be Ten years of age. (Prince William County Minute Book 1752 – 1753. p. 163.)
This is the first indication that Patrick had a sixth son. Specific evidence that Joseph was Patrick, Jr’s. brother and, therefore, Patrick’s son is apparent in the ledger for Payne’s store in Dumfries.(REF: 1759 - 1762) The young girl was being adjudged in age most likely because it was required by law for newly imported slaves. (William Waller Hening. Hening’s Statutes At Large, Vol VI, 1748 - 1755. Charlottsville, VA: University Press of Virginia, 1969. p. 41.) Joseph had to be at least 21 years old to own a slave, ( William Waller Hening. Hening’s Statutes At Large, Vol I, 1619 - 1660. Charlottsville, VA: University Press of Virginia, 1969. pp. 269-270.) which means he was born no later than 1732. However, he was probably somewhat older. He was not among the 1747 tithables for Prince William County, (REF: 1747) which seems to indicate that he was not 16 by that time (i.e., born no earlier than 1732). Most likely, however, he was already living away from home (like John (REF: 1751)). This is based on the fact that his son, Joseph, Jr., made a military pension request in 1825 at the age of 73, which means he was born in 1752. (Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Records," National Archives, Washington, DC. (Microfilm copy.)) This fact indicates that Joseph was probably born by at least 1730 and, therefore, should have been on the 1747 Tithables list. This leads to the conclusion that he must have already been away from home in another location by the time the list was compiled. Since this did not generally occur until a person was 21, (Albert Alan Rogers. Family Life in Eighteenth Century Virginia. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia, 1939. p. 273 & 287. AND Edmund S. Morgan. Virginians At Home: Family Life in the Eighteenth Century. Williamsburg, VA: The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1952. p. 26.) Joseph must have been born by at least 1726. While this is a reasonable end limit for Joseph's birthdate, establishing an early bound is more difficult. One pertinent fact to consider in this regard, however, is Joseph, Jr.'s birthdate. The point to be made is that it seems reasonable to assume that Joseph, Jr. was born sometime before his father turned 31. Using this assumption means that Joseph was born no earlier than 1722. These bounding dates for Joseph's birthdate (1722 and 1726) result in him being somewhere between 27 and 31 years old when he bought this slave, which is a very reasonable assumption. These dates together with the fact that Joseph was most likely living away from home before Benjamin (REF: 1747) and the fact that Joseph, Jr. was born a year earlier than Benjamin's son Siers (REF: 1747 comments) indicates that Joseph was probably the fifth son and Benjamin the sixth.