Patrick Hamrick
Family Patriarch
July 2 & 3, 1731
Henry McDonnac, via lease and release, sold his remaining 500 acres of Roger Day’s 760 acre tract to John Champe. The description of the property recites the entire 760 acre tract in language that is nearly identical to that contained in the original grant from the Proprietor. (REF: January 7, 1724/25) After the description, the agreement excludes the 260 acres of land that Henry McDonnac had sold to Elizabeth Day. It states that Henry McDonnac did Grant Sell Alein & Confirm unto Elizabeth Day the Daughter of Roger Day Two hundred & Sixty Acres part of the before mentioned Seven hundred & Sixty Acres Which Part So Conveyed to the Said Elizabeth Day lies on the upper Part of the Said Tract of Seven hundred & Sixty acres & begins at the begining White oak Corner of Edward Grayham before mentioned. (This is the extent of the description of the 260 acres that had been sold to Elizabeth.)
The document was signed by Henry McDonnac and witnessed by M. Battaley, Thos. Vivion, Robt. Richards, John Smith, J. Mercer, and Jno. Ford.
Following the lease and release in the court records, Elizabeth (Henry McDonnac’s wife and Roger Day’s widow) appointed Catesby Cocke of Prince William County Gent my True & Lawful attorney for me and in my Name to acknowldge & relinquish before the County Court of Prince William afsd all My right & Title of Dower & Thirds of in & to five hundred acres of Land on North Side of the Main run of Occaquan river Called Broad run in the said County of Prince William Conveyed by my Said husband to John Champe of King George County Gent by Deed of Lease & Release the lease bearing Date the second Day of July one thousand Seven hundred & Thirty one & the Release bearing Equal Date [ . . . ] Witnesseth My Hand and Seale this Third Day of July one thousand seven hundred & thirty one.
Elizabeth McDonnac signed the document with her ‘E’ mark. It was witnessed by the same individuals who had witnessed the deed. (Prince William County Deed Book A. pp. 37 - 49.)
This sale is for the remaining 500 acres of Roger Day's original land grant. Where Henry McDonnac and wife Elizabeth (Roger Day's widow) went or why they sold this parcel of land has not been researched—they had owned it for only six years; a relatively short period.