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The 1738/1739 Prince William County Rent Roll includes Jno ChampeTho Davis, and Edw Graham(Huntington Library Collection," Bull Run Regional Library, Manassas, VA.)


Patrick is not yet listed among these individuals who became adjacent neighbors to him after he acquired a land grant within Prince William County in December 1740. (REF: January 10, 1739/40, April 28, 1740 & December 10, 1740) Also to be considered is the fact that during this timeframe, Patrick evidently initiated his claim of ownership to the 260 acre parcel that had been Elizabeth Day’s. (REF: August 9 & 10, 1727)


It is apparent though that within a couple years after this timeframe, Patrick abandoned the property he had leased in 1734 from Samuel Skinker in King George County, (REF: August 2, 1734) came to Prince William County to claim the land that had formerly been Roger Day’s, and then filed for a grant to an adjacent parcel that had not yet been granted to anyone. (REF: January 10, 1739/40, April 28, 1740 & December 10, 1740) (Skinker’s deed of lease to Patrick had language in it that reverted the property to Skinker if Patrick failed to pay the annual rent. This is apparently what happened.)


Elizabeth Day is also not listed on this Rent Roll, although a number of entries among the "D"s and "E"s (entries are alphabetical) are not legible. (William Davis and George Eaves should also be on this list but are not.) Other nearby neighbors who are on the list include William Foster, John Reeves, and Thomas Stone. Richard Melton should also be on the list but is clearly not among the "M"s. But, since Patrick initiated his claim to Elizabeth's property around this timeframe, perhaps Elizabeth had already died.

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